13.The sternoclavicular articulation is the only point at which the upper extremity is connected to the rest of the skeletal system.
14.Their products are rather like smart-phones: they have a powerful chip and a display, and are connected to a communications network.
15.Create oceanSolver node, connecting surface shape to inMesh or inputSurface, in oceanShader node attributes input of marine material, and connect time to attribute currentTime, ok.
16.Arcing at the tower will carbonize the cable boot, which if it is connected to a new ignition coil, will cause the coil to fail.
17.Besides the property of the asynchronous motor,the taper asynchronous motor can daff the detent easily,because magnetic force is generated when stator three-phrase windings connect to the electricity.
18.Waste draining pipe, offlet or drain pipe should be connected to the main pipe;each pipe should connect two valves with the most possible short valve-to-valve pipe length.
19.An intelligent clothes rack is developed with a block installed on the end of each knighthead,around which steel wire is enwind and connected to a DC motor and the clothes rail.
20.The connectors are gold plated and of bi-wiring type so that you can connect to the amplifier with double cables (bi-wiring), or connect to two amplifiers (bi-amping) to further improving the sound.